Animated Language Learning

The ALL meeting on May 25th will be allow parents to be introduced to the ALL programme, with introduction provided by Enda Dodd, CEO of ALL and demonstration of how the programme runs shown on a large scene before we will open the floor to questions and answers and parent testimonials from families on the programme.

The agenda for the day has not been tied down and times may vary slightly but at the moment the agenda for the day is as follows:

11.45 a.m. Introduction by Kevin Whelan, CEO of Irish Autism Action
12.00 p.m. Overview of Animated Language Learning programme
1.00 p.m. On-stage demonstration of ALL programme
1.30 p.m. Coffee Break
2.00 p.m. Parent testimonial by current clients of the programme
2.30 p.m. Questions and Answers session
3.30 p.m. Clinical Expert, Diane Provo
4.00 p.m. ALL programme Workshop

In parallel with all of this, the parents will get the chance to mingle with each other on breaks and hopefully make connections and have nice relaxing afternoon.

In relation to speakers at the event, the following is the list:

  • Kevin Whelan, CEO of Irish Autism Action
  • Enda Dodd, developer of ALL and father to 16 year old Autistic sons, Conor and Eoin.
  • A number of parents whose children who have been on the ALL programme.
  • Diane Provo, one of America’s Leading Child Development Specialists.

Company information in summary then. Animated Language Learning is a home based internet delivered software programme that is opened up on your computer or iPad by an email link. With strong links with Adobe Corporation and Disney Pixar Studios, ALL has unlimited access to state of the art technology and Disney Pixar movies which we use to create the programme.

The programme works by running through Disney movies, such as Toy Story and Neverland, firstly showing the child a snippet of the movie before challenging them to identify specific elements within the clip, starting by introducing them to the movies’ characters and then moving on to action words, such as running, and then socio-emotions such as happy, sad, etc.

The programme currently is helping Autistic and Down’s Syndrome children aged between 3 and 16 years to build conceptual language. But we do stress there is no age limit to the programme.
There are a few requirements for the programme.

  • There must be a computer or iPad with internet access.
  • The internet speed required to run the programme is download speed of 3 Mbps and upload speed of 0.3 Mbps.
  • We also require that parents access the programme regularly, with 5 out of 7 days a week the norm. Daily time spent on the programme usually begins at 5-10 minutes and can work up to 20-30 minutes over time.
  • There is a monetary fee for access to the programme of €100 a month.

Acceptance on the programme will be determined based on a questionnaire will can be filled out on the day.

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Click on the link to start with our free assessment program
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