As a parent, you need no more than time and to give encouragement. You do not need any skills in special education, just the basic knowledge of your computer and the desire to have fun with your special child. You need to spend between 10 -30 minutes per day introducing your child to the program over the first few months. This will depend on your child’s age and ability to sit and attend to the language learning content. Children often become independent over time but they do benefit greatly from the continuous involvement of their parent(s). Is is also very important to use the language learned from the program in your child’s day to day routine. This is called language generalization and is critical to the overall learning process. Don’t overdo it, it is ok to work with ALL more than once a day, but be sure that your child doesn’t become bored with the program. You know your child better than anyone and will know when or if this occurs. Feel free to discuss our program with your speech therapy or sensory integration professionals if available.
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