Online Autism speech and language program for schools

Free Access for Schools
Speak with Enda and Val

What our research can do for your classroom

  • We work with teachers in their schools

  • We teach language through visually rich Disney media.

  • We show you how to daily teach your class language.

  • We support you at every language development stage.

  • Helping special education classes today throughout the world.

Your parenting questions answered

Who are Animated Language Learning?

Enda and Valerie Dodd have dedicated their lives to saving their twin sons Conor and Eoin, from the isolation of autism and the language disorder that pervaded their lives. Enda, a biomedical engineer gave up his career to to find a solution to the boys’ disability. In a journey that took the Dodd’s around the world, they discovered the power of Disney animation to teach language.

They are now actively sharing their ongoing research and insights with other parents in need so that the miracle of their boys’ language can continue. We invite you view our videos, read our blogs, contact us with your thoughts or stories, or speak with us on the language needs of your child. You can also participate in our language research by clicking here

Like to see more videos on the speech and language learning process? click here

Introductory Session

We have been surrounded by a wonderful team of speech therapists,
educators and behaviorists who have done so much to help our children

Free access for schools

I have never met anyone who has re-conceptualized language learning in the way Enda and his team has.

This is something I have always thought could be possible, it is wonderful seeing this research come to life!

The Disney approach has been extraordinary particularly in the teaching of social and emotional language.

Prof. Ann Sullivan, Magnolia Speech Therapy School

The introductory session is currently being provided to families to discuss our research process and how to participate. The session can be conducted by phone or in person at our University research center based on what works best for you.