Parent stories2016-11-25T16:01:05+00:00

ALL Parent stories

The vision of Animated Language Learning is to give children with Autism a voice, allowing them to become part of society. Parent stories are an important part of this vision.

Enda and Valerie Dodd made a huge impact on the lives of their two very special boys, Conor and Eoin, who are at the heart of everything we do and a very special part of the parent stories page. We are grateful to the families who are participating in our research allowing the miracle of language to become a reality for children around the world.

Your parent stories are a wonderful affirmation of our work here at Animated Language Learning together with helping all families in need of speech and language for their special needs child.


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We are grateful to families around the world for relating their parent stories of language and speech learning.

If you have parent stories that you would like to share with us please contact us!
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Irish Autism Action

By |February 5th, 2016|Categories: Advocacy, General, In the media, Parent stories, Questions answered|

Animated Language Learning Developed by Galway native Enda Dodd, Animated Language Learning (ALL) is newly developed internet based software specially developed for children with moderate to severe language learning difficulties. He created the programme [...]

Ron Suskind and ALL research

By |January 31st, 2016|Categories: Advocacy, General, In the media, Parent stories, Questions answered|

News Fondazione Oltre il Labirinto By Gabriela Motroc Disney, Treatment for Children With Autism Disney has become a treatment for children with autism, as Ron Suskind, journalist for The New York Times and Animated Language Learning, [...]

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